The starkly contrasting events that happened in my life in the days before Christmas have left me a bit breathless.
Just a few days before Christmas, the 2- year old daughter of one of my sorority sisters passed away unexpectedly. This sweet mama lived across the hall from me for a few years and was roommates with a beautiful friend of mine who lost her 2- year old son a few years earlier. I am deeply sad for my friend and trying to shake off the fear about my own son's worsening heart condition.
On December 23rd, the young teen who I have been home schooling this fall gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who she lovingly placed for adoption. To think of the joy of these waiting, adoptive parents at Christmastime! To sit beside this young mother, as she heard the cries of other newborn babies, and held her own for a few days, before handing him other to another to raise has changed me.
I have been reminded of how short and precious this life is. How foolish we are to grip it too tightly. I want to spend my life and my love every minute I can while I am here on this earth. With the words from Les Miserables reverberating in my heart and soul, I know this: "To love another person is to see the face of God".
We abide in You
5 months ago