I am reading a book called
Crazy Love by Francis Chan (could someone please tell me how to underline? I know book titles should be underlined, but I still can't find the underline function.)
Anyway- LOVE THIS BOOK. I would like to shout the entire contents of Chapter 4 from the roof of our church and straight into the hearts of most American Christians. Get this:
"Lukewarm people are moved by stories about people who do radical things for Christ, yet they do not act. They assume such action is for "extreme" Christians, not average ones. Lukewarm people call "radical" what Jesus expected of all His followers." (Chan)
That is the kind of faith to which we are called. Radical. That is what I love about the Christian life. So many seem to think that if they become a Christ follower, their life will be boring. All the fun sucked out of life. Well, who gave the world that impression? Certainly not Jesus. If we are following hard after Christ, we will look radically different than the world.
So, what is Jesus calling you to do? Is He impressing something on your heart that seems too hard, too far out in left field? You should probably start doing that thing. Afraid you are not spiritual enough for the task? You probably aren't- but that is okay! God will supply your every need. He will not call you to do something that He will not equip you to do.
To be honest, I was scared to begin the adoption process the first time. Carter was still in the hospital when we began filling out the application for our adoption agency! I felt a bit like Noah building that ark when it had never even rained before- but when God calls you to do something, you do it, shaking knees and all.
Now, we are adopting again. I can't give too many details here, but here are a few. This will be an adoption of an older child with a special medical need from Burkina Faso (West Africa). We will be one of the first families in America to adopt from this country. We certainly didn't set out to be pioneers, but this is the path God has shown us. I'll tell the story of how Casey and I decided to adopt again in another post, because it is a cool story.
Am I scared? YES. But I trust that God is deeper and wider than all my fears.
Come, Lord Jesus. Show us the way.