Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Through the years I've had many friends say they would like to stay at home with their kids, but don't think they can. I have been a stay at home mom for nine and a half years (that sounds long!) and we have been living on a teacher's salary for all that time (with a exception of a few very part-time jobs on my part). By next few blog posts will be dedicated to explaining how we do it. We are far from experts and we are still learning- but we are living proof that it can be done!

I love this quote from Jill Savage: You have to reject the belief that bigger is better. You need to have a vision for your family even if it's different than your neighbors. And you have to think smarter than than the marketing experts want you to think.

Jill has written a book called Living with Less So Your Family Can Have More
Product Details

I totally recommend this book. Living on one income requires a change in perspective. Your standard of living will change. You might fear that you will have to deprive your children or yourself. Living with less is not about deprivation, but it will actually increase appreciation and contentment in your family life.

We don't have cable or a cell phone package, but we don't miss these things at all. Trust me, when your kids don't see commercials, they don't want stuff. Don't go to the mall or read magazines, and your desire for more stuff just fades away.

I'm excited to discuss this topic on my blog. Please feel free to pass on your money saving tips and ask questions- I'd love to hear from you!

One more thing, if you are currently working, but want to stay home, start by making the decision to stay home. Don't quit your job today, but get a reasonable end date on the calendar. You will need that urgency to compel you to make the tough choices you will need to make.


  1. Thanks Erika - I'm excited to read your updates. Rich and I just started "budgeting"...something long overdue as spending a little "here and there" really adds up over time. Getting on a budget has so far taught us to be more cautious of our spending - it's not easy, but you're's all about perspective and prioritizing your spending. Love you!

  2. Looking forward to your posts on this topic, we are praying about me cutting back at work so this is very timely. Love you!
