Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Prayer Needed

This Friday, Therese will have a 2-hour sedated MRI. During this MRI, they will be looking at her heart, to determine the course for surgery, and the blood vessels in her brain, to check for damage caused by the high blood pressure going to her brain all these years.

This weekend we were visited by new friends who knew Therese in Burkina Faso. One of the women is Burkinabe and was able to explain the procedure to Therese in French. Isn't that a blessing?! Plus, this friend shares a special connection to Therese because she herself has had multiple heart surgeries. Isn't God good to give us new friends at exactly the right time?

I'll post an update on Friday as soon as I can.

1 comment:

  1. I just stuck Therese's name all over my day timer for Thursday and Friday (i'll be praying). Praise God that he knew exactly when to provide these Burkinabe friends.
