Monday, January 31, 2011

They Get It

Evelea turned ten last week. For her party, she decided to invite her friends to a packing session at Feed My Starving Children. Together with the other volunteers, they packed enough meals to feed 30 children for a whole year. Amazing!

When I tucked Evelea in bed that night, she said, "Mommy, I get it, I think we live so we can help others live". We proceeded to have an incredible discussion about her plans to spread this message to her world. I LOVE this girl. I am amazed, and yet not, because I know her life is fully surrendered to Christ and that is what happens with a fully surrendered heart.

I have no words to express how I felt watching Therese enthusiastically pack meals that will feed children who are desperate, just like she once was. It was holy ground. Holy.


  1. WOW. Only word I can come up with right now!

  2. tears, goosebumps... love this. you are an amazing woman and mother. what a story your kids will have to share.

  3. Wow, that is awesome! We serve such an incredible GOD - so cool to see our kiddos "getting that"!
